

My Research and Study Papers

Research Papers

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Neural Networks In Society

A Study of Neural Networks in Society

This paper aims to address the growing volume of neural networks implemented in society, their use cases, common misconceptions, and to highlight the variation between networks. I aim to expand upon this paper as neural networks develop in complexity.

I expect more lucrative implementations of such networks in the near future which will serve as optimal research material to help develop higher levels of understanding into neural networks.


Since computers were first created, the complexities of computers have grown from simple calculations to word processing, and to communication and file sharing around the world. Along side these developments, has been a constant quest for the creation of something more real, something more in touch with human nature. Something more, intelligent.

Neural networks are the backbone of this drive, they are the buildings blocks of artificial intelligence, and they drive the development of “intelligent” technologies today. We see implementations of artificial intelligence in self-driving cars, image generation and manipulation, and in the medical industry.

As artificial intelligence is implemented across the board, it is important to understand what drives these intelligent applications and devices, or at least, what makes them present themselves as “intelligent”.


Read the full paper (PDF) on my website.

Written and maintained by Romulus Hill.